Launch of New Civil National Business Centre
If you are used to dealing with the County Court Business Centre or County Court Money Claim Centre (CCMCC), there has been a change. Both courts have been replaced by the ‘Civil National Business Centre’ in Northampton from 14th August 2023.
If you sent a new claim or application to the old centres before 1st September 2023, that is okay; the Court will still accept it with the old name.
However, from 1 September 2023, if you send a new claim or application that does not have the Civil National Business Centre on it or still uses the old names, the Court will send it back unissued. This is particularly important if a claim form or application needs to be dealt with urgently. You must therefore ensure that the correct Court name is shown on the claim form or application.
In the cases handled by our lawyers, all the correspondence has changed and is being sent from the Civil National Business Centre.
Contact details for the Civil National Business Centre
The postal address to file documents:
Civil National Business Centre
St. Katharine’s House
21-27 St. Katharine’s Street
DX: 702885 Northampton 7
The email inboxes for Paper Claims & DC Claims: (Attachment of Earnings) (New Claims Issue) (Charging Orders)
Inbox for DC “live case” process support
Reasons for the Change
The changes were made to enhance efficiency and streamline operations. The newly established Civil National Business Centre in Northampton is collaborating with the Judiciary and change teams to identify improved and more effective ways of working. These changes are anticipated to bring positive results in the coming months.
Martin Huddleston, Stakeholder Engagement and Customer Service Lead at the Civil National Business Centre has shared that they are working towards achieving Business as Usual (BAU) operating targets by the end of September. This initiative began on 31st July 2023, with an initial focus on addressing new claim issues. Additional resources have been dedicated to reducing delays, aiming to bring them under 10 days by the end of December 2023. To expedite this process, a dedicated team has been assigned to clear the backlog.