Banking & Finance

Banking & Finance Lawyers

We help clients resolve banking and finance disputes such mis-selling, trading platform claims, loss of investment, FCA regulatory compliance and professional negligence.

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Choose Excellence in Dispute Resolution

Our Mission

Our litigation solicitors have a proven track record of delivering successful outcomes for clients. Go Legal was founded to make exceptional lawyers accessible and solutions affordable.

Our lawyers and mediators have decades of experience and specialise exclusively in commercial litigation. Our lawyers have been described as “the best litigators in the country” & provide solutions to clients in the following areas of law:

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Karim Oualnan

Partner and Managing Director

Our Story

Having worked more than a decade in law and fuelled by his passion for access to justice, Karim envisaged a different law firm – one that stood as a symbol of hope, fairness, and an unwavering dedication to justice. By providing legal services through a partnership with Go Legal and Spencer West, Karim has been able to create this vision.

Karim did not have a storybook beginning. His childhood echoed with challenges, where he witnessed his family and friends struggle with legal issues. It made him realise that there are individuals and businesses caught up in the complexities of the UK legal system who need reliable, affordable and technically astute lawyers to get results.

Our lawyers make a promise – we will work hard to achieve the best outcome for you. We are here to help!

Our Values

Our firm’s values ensure that we consistently exceed client expectations. We are:

  • Honest: Our lawyers are trusted by many clients
  • Generous: We are technically astute lawyers with compassion, & a genuine desire to help
  • Dedication: Our lawyers tackle each case with relentless dedication & work tirelessly to achieve a successful outcome
  • Innovative: We have access to technology & strategies not used by other law firms
  • Guardians: Our lawyers will guide you through every legal step, ensuring clarity & understanding at all stages







*through our exclusive partnership with Spencer West LLP

Our lawyers are regulated and members of:

Why instruct Go Legal



Our team of banking and finance lawyers are renowned for their technical expertise, honesty and dependability. We prioritise customer satisfaction by providing personalised attention and ensuring that we consistently exceed our clients' expectations throughout.

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Rapid Response​

We understand the urgency of legal matters and offer 24/7 support to clients. Whether you require immediate assistance with legal advice or representation, our team is always available to provide prompt and reliable support. We will create a Whatsapp group with you and your legal team once instructed if you have any out of hours questions throughout your litigation and dispute resolution case.

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Fair and Transparent pricing

We provide honest estimates for our legal services at the very outset. We are often instructed on an hourly rate basis, but we can offer discounted fixed fee packages, and no-win no fee agreements. For further information, please see our Funding page which sets out some of the packages we may be able to offer clients.

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Fast & Reliable

Efficiency and dedication to our clients’ needs are the cornerstones of our practice. We have earned the appreciation and praise of clients and even our opponents by consistently meeting high standards and delivering exceptional results.

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Qualified and Regulated

Our team consists of highly qualified and regulated legal professionals who possess extensive knowledge and experience in dispute resolution. You can trust that your legal matter will be handled by specialist and experienced lawyers who provide the highest level of service to achieve the best result for your case.

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Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident in our ability that we give our clients a service level guarantee. If you are not happy with the service we provide on your case, you can request a 10% discount on our invoice(s) no questions asked.

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Complete the short 2-minute questionnaire below to receive a tailored report to your email, summarising the assessment and providing further guidance on the next steps in resolving your financial services dispute claim.

Disclaimer: Please note that this questionnaire is for initial assessment purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information provided in this questionnaire will be used solely for evaluating the potential of your financial services claim. By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of service. Please call us or alternatively complete our booking form below to schedule a Free Consultation with our expert lawyers.

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Fixed Fee Packages

Our funding solutions have been designed by our banking and finance lawyers to alleviate the financial burden and enable you to focus on seeking the justice and resolution you deserve.

Consultation & Compliance

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Dispute Resolution & Claim Management

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Defence & Litigation

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Karim Oualnan handled a contractual case to a successful resolution. Karim was very diligent, always providing great, honest advice in which Karim always put my best interests at the forefront of his suggestions during the case. He is very reliable, trustworthy and always on hand to help. I would highly recommend Karim.
I have no hesitation in recommending the services of Karim and his team. I had been banging my head against a brick wall after my bank forced the closure of my accounts and froze a substantial amount of my cash assets. Karim quickly reviewed all of the documentation relating to the matter and issued a letter before claim and formal...
We hired Karim for a commercial dispute, with a UK based entity that breached our P.O. terms. The difficulty with the case was that we have paid a down payment without much leverage to recover it. The supplier misled us forever 2 years and finally decided not to pay our down payment. However, with the support of the lead lawyer...
Very satisfied with the way that Karim Oualnan and his team took hold of a messy conveyancing professional negligence claim, and progressed it all the way through to an amicable settlement in just over 6 months. Professional, courteous, knowledgeable and also pragmatic with advice and strategy. I would not hesitate to recommend.
Karim offered me some advice regarding a lease issue. He was kind , courteous, knowledgable and above all really generous with his time and support . I would recommend Karim in a heartbeat for explaining things so clearly without patronising and for making me feel so at ease.
Karim is wonderful to work with, attentive, calmed and a knowledgeable professional. I appreciate his help a lot, he guided me in a way that not a lot of people does. Reliable and a great motivator.

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Financial Services Disputes - FAQs

Financial institutions in the UK are subject to a complex regulatory framework aimed at ensuring stability, protecting consumers, and maintaining the integrity of the financial system. The regulations and regulators governing financial institutions include:

  • Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA): This foundational legislation provides the legal framework for regulating financial services and markets in the UK. It establishes the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) as the primary regulatory bodies.
  • Prudential Regulation: The PRA, a division of the Bank of England, regulates financial institutions’ prudential aspects, such as capital adequacy, liquidity, and risk management, to maintain financial stability.
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA): The FCA regulates the conduct of financial firms, ensuring they meet high standards of consumer protection, transparency, and market integrity. It oversees various sectors, including banking, insurance, and investments.
  • Payment Services Regulations: These regulations govern payment service providers, including banks, and set out requirements for payment services, such as electronic money issuance and fund transfers.
  • Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations: UK AML laws, including the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations, establish obligations for financial institutions to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Data Protection Laws: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 regulate the handling of customer data by financial institutions, ensuring data security and privacy.
  • Consumer Credit Act 1974: This legislation governs consumer credit agreements, including loans, credit cards, and overdrafts, to protect consumer rights and promote responsible lending.
  • Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2): PSD2 regulates payment services and enhances security and consumer protection in electronic payment transactions.

Our experienced banking and finance lawyers specialise in financial regulation and can provide expert guidance to ensure your institution complies with key regulations. We can help you understand your obligations, establish robust compliance policies, and navigate interactions with regulatory authorities.

For personalised advice and support, please reach out to us for a Free Consultation on 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form.

When structuring a commercial loan agreement in the UK, several legal requirements and considerations should be taken into account:

  • Lender’s Authorisation: Ensure that the lending institution is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), where applicable.
  • Interest Rate Regulations: Comply with the rules governing interest rates, including the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA), which regulates lending practices and sets out requirements for transparency in interest rate disclosures.
  • Terms and Conditions: Clearly outline the terms and conditions of the loan, including the principal amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any applicable fees or charges.
  • Security Interests: If the loan is secured by collateral, establish and document the security interests, such as mortgages, charges, or personal guarantees.
  • Consumer Credit Act: If the borrower is a consumer, ensure compliance with the Consumer Credit Act 1974, which regulates consumer credit agreements and provides consumer protections.
  • Data Protection: Comply with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), when processing personal data related to the loan application and servicing.
  • Default and Remedies: Specify the events of default and the remedies available to the lender in case of borrower non-compliance, including acceleration of the loan, foreclosure, or repossession of collateral.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant financial regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements.
  • Dispute Resolution: Include provisions for dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation, in case of disputes between the parties.
  • Jurisdiction and Governing Law: Specify the jurisdiction where legal disputes will be resolved and the governing law that will apply to the loan agreement.
  • Termination and Prepayment: Outline the conditions under which the loan can be terminated and any prepayment terms, including penalties or fees.
  • Representations and Warranties: Include representations and warranties made by both parties regarding their legal capacity and authority to enter into the agreement.

Structuring a commercial loan agreement requires careful consideration of legal requirements and potential risks. Our expert lawyers work with the corporate team at Spencer West who specialises in commercial lending and can assist businesses in drafting comprehensive loan agreements that comply with all applicable regulations.

We can help you navigate interest rate regulations, consumer credit laws, data protection requirements, and more. For personalised advice and expert assistance in structuring your loan agreements, please reach out to us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form.

Consumers in the UK have rights and responsibilities when disputes arise with their banks or financial institutions. These include:

  • Access to Information: Consumers have the right to access information about their accounts, including account statements, transaction histories, and fee disclosures.
  • Dispute Resolution: Consumers have the right to dispute unauthorised or erroneous transactions and seek resolution through the bank’s dispute resolution process.
  • Data Protection: Consumers’ personal and financial data must be protected in accordance with data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Fair Treatment: Consumers have the right to be treated fairly and transparently by their banks or financial institutions.
  • Complaints Handling: Banks and financial institutions must have effective complaints handling procedures in place, and consumers have the right to escalate complaints to regulatory authorities if not satisfied with the resolution.

Our expert lawyers specialise in consumer rights and financial disputes. We can assist consumers in understanding their rights, navigating the complaints process, and seeking resolutions.

For personalised advice and support in resolving disputes with financial institutions, please reach out to us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form. Our lawyers are dedicated to ensuring consumers’ rights are protected and that fair treatment is upheld.

Trading platforms are bound by a set of legal obligations to ensure their users’ safety, fairness in trading, and compliance with regulatory standards. These obligations form the foundation of a trustworthy relationship between the platform and its users including:

  • Accurate and Timely Information: Platforms must provide correct and updated market data, investment advice, and other relevant information.
  • Operational Reliability: They need to maintain a stable and functional platform, minimising the risk of outages and technical glitches that could impact trading.
  • Adherence to Financial Regulations: Compliance with laws like anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) policies is crucial.
  • Data Protection and Privacy: Safeguarding users’ personal and financial data in line with data protection laws is a must.
  • Equitable Treatment of Users: All users should be treated fairly, without any undue bias or discrimination.
  • Transparent Fee Structure: Fees and charges associated with using the platform must be clearly communicated to users.
  • Effective Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Providing accessible channels for users to raise complaints or disputes and addressing them promptly and fairly.
  • Comprehensive Risk Disclosure: Informing users about the potential risks associated with trading activities.

For assistance in understanding or dealing with a trading platform’s legal obligations, contact our expert banking and finance lawyers for a Free Consultation on 0207 459 4037.

Our team can offer detailed guidance on your rights as a user, help you interpret platform terms and conditions, and advise on steps to take if you believe a platform has breached its obligations. We can also represent you in any disputes, ensuring your interests are effectively voiced and protected.

Mis-selling refers to the practice where a financial product or service is sold to a consumer in an inappropriate manner.

This could mean that the product or service does not meet the customer’s needs, or that there was a lack of proper information or misleading advice given at the time of sale. For example, if you are sold an investment product or pension that is too risky for your personal situation, or if you are not informed about the key features and risks of the product, that could be considered mis-selling.

In the financial world, trust and accurate information are key. When a financial institution or advisor fails to honour this trust, it can lead to mis-selling. This might happen in various scenarios, such as when an advisor prioritises their commission over your financial needs, or when complex products are not adequately explained.

Our banking and finance lawyers can help you determine if you have been a victim of mis-selling. We examine the details of your case, assess the advice and information provided to you, and advise on the best course of action.

If you suspect you have been mis-sold a financial product, please call us for Free Consultation on 0207 459 4037.

Professional negligence in the financial services industry refers to a situation where a financial service professional, such as an accountant, financial advisor, or banker, fails to provide services to the standard expected of a reasonably competent professional in their field.

Finance professional negligence can occur in several ways, such as providing incorrect or misleading financial advice, making errors in financial calculations, failing to update clients on significant market changes, or not adhering to their duty of care in managing a client’s portfolio.

In the context of financial services, professional negligence is particularly critical because clients rely heavily on the expertise and advice of these professionals to make decisions that have significant financial implications. For example, if a financial advisor fails to take into account a client’s risk tolerance and invests heavily in high-risk stocks leading to substantial losses, this could be deemed professional negligence. Similarly, an accountant who makes a critical error in tax calculation, resulting in a client facing legal issues or financial penalties, would also fall under this category.

The consequences and damage from professional negligence can be severe. From a financial perspective, clients may suffer substantial monetary losses, negatively impacting their savings, investment returns, or business operations. On a personal level, it can lead to stress, anxiety, and a loss of trust in financial institutions.

Our professional negligence lawyers specialise in recovering compensation for victims of negligence. We understand that each case is unique, and we approach every situation with a tailored strategy aimed at achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. Our services range from offering legal advice and negotiating settlements to representing clients in court proceedings.

If you believe you have been a victim of professional negligence in the financial services industry, do not hesitate to contact us for support and guidance. Our expert negligence lawyers are dedicated to ensuring that your case is handled with care and professionalism, and we are committed to securing the best possible result for you.

Call us for a Free Consultation on 0207 459 4037 or complete our booking form to schedule a consultation with our expert professional negligence lawyers.

Yes, an investor can sue for negligence if their investment loss was caused by a financial advisor’s failure to act in their best interest. To establish a successful professional negligence claim, the investor must demonstrate that the advisor owed them a duty of care, breached this duty by failing to act competently or in the investor’s best interest, and that this breach directly resulted in financial loss.

The process involves detailed evidence gathering, such as investment records, communications with the advisor, and, where necessary, expert testimony on standard investment practices and how they were deviated from in your case.

Legal action for professional negligence can result in compensation for losses and sometimes additional damages. However, it is essential to consider the complexity of such cases and the need for a thorough legal analysis.

Our expert professional negligence lawyers can assist you if you have experienced investment losses due to a financial advisor’s negligence. Reach out to us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form for a Free Consultation.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the primary regulatory body for financial services firms and professionals in the UK. Its role is integral to maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the UK’s financial markets. The FCA’s responsibilities include overseeing the conduct of financial firms, ensuring they adhere to legal standards, protecting consumers from unfair practices, and fostering healthy competition within the industry.

In practical terms, the FCA sets and enforces rules for financial conduct, supervises the compliance of firms with these rules, and has the authority to take action against those who fail to meet the required standards. This includes regulating how financial products are marketed and sold, how firms treat their customers, and the overall stability and transparency of financial markets.

Our banking and financial lawyers offer specialised assistance in navigating the complex FCA regulatory landscape. We can provide detailed guidance on compliance with FCA regulations, assist in preparing for FCA audits or reviews, and represent firms during FCA investigations. Our services include interpreting FCA rules and regulations, advising on best practices for compliance, and providing support in the event of any regulatory challenges.

If you are seeking assistance with FCA regulatory matters, contact us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form.

FCA authorisation is a pivotal certification process managed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. It’s essential for financial services firms operating within the country, serving as a regulatory seal of approval. This authorisation assures that a firm adheres to stringent standards in financial conduct and customer service, which is crucial for several reasons:

  • Consumer Confidence: Having FCA authorisation boosts a firm’s credibility and trustworthiness. It signals to consumers that the firm adheres to high operational standards, ensuring reliable and fair services.
  • Compliance and Integrity: Authorisation means the firm complies with all the legal and ethical standards set by the FCA. This compliance is fundamental in maintaining the integrity of the financial services sector.
  • Market Stability and Fair Play: Authorised firms contribute to the overall stability and health of the financial market. They are expected to engage in fair practices, fostering a competitive yet fair environment.
  • Legal Necessity: For many financial activities, having FCA authorisation is a legal requirement. Operating without it can lead to significant legal repercussions.

At Go Legal, we understand the importance of navigating the FCA authorisation process. We assist financial services firms in meeting all the necessary criteria, ensuring compliance and safeguarding their business interests.

If your firm requires assistance with FCA authorisation or you have any queries about regulatory compliance, please reach out to us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form.

The calculation of fines by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is a nuanced process, designed to ensure that the penalties imposed are both fair and effective in deterring misconduct.

The FCA adopts a structured approach, taking into consideration various factors to ascertain the appropriate level of fine for a financial services firm or individual. At the core of this process is the principle of disgorgement, which aims to remove any financial gain or benefit derived from the misconduct. This step ensures that firms or individuals do not profit from their breaches of regulations.

Once the profit has been disgorged, the FCA assesses the seriousness of the breach. This evaluation considers the nature of the misconduct, including its impact on consumers, market integrity, and the wider financial system. The FCA will investigate whether the breach was a result of a deliberate act or negligence, the duration of the misconduct, and the extent to which the firm or individual was aware of the breach. The FCA’s assessment also includes examining the firm’s size and financial resources, ensuring the penalty is significant enough to have a deterrent effect but not so severe as to be disproportionate or cause undue financial hardship.

Additionally, the FCA considers mitigating and aggravating factors. Aggravating factors could include a history of similar breaches, lack of cooperation during the investigation, or steps taken to conceal the misconduct. Mitigating factors might involve efforts to rectify the harm caused, full cooperation with the investigation, or evidence of robust compliance measures put in place subsequently. The FCA also offers a settlement discount, typically up to 30%, for firms or individuals that agree to resolve the matter swiftly.

Our expert banking and finance lawyers can assist financial services firms and individuals in navigating the complexities of FCA fines. We offer practical advice on understanding how fines are calculated and the factors considered by the FCA. Our lawyers can help in preparing responses to FCA investigations, negotiating settlement discounts, and advising on measures to mitigate the impact of fines.

For assistance in dealing with FCA fines and related regulatory matters, contact us at 0207 459 4037 or through our online booking form.

Businesses can ensure compliance with AML regulations in their financial transactions through several key steps including:

  • Know Your Customer (KYC): Implement robust KYC procedures to verify the identity of customers and understand their risk profiles. Collect and maintain accurate customer information, including identification documents.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD): Conduct CDD checks on customers to assess the level of risk they pose. Enhanced due diligence may be necessary for higher-risk customers.
  • Transaction Monitoring: Continuously monitor transactions for suspicious activity, including unusual patterns or large transactions. Implement automated monitoring systems and set thresholds for reporting.
  • Reporting Obligations: Be prepared to report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities, such as the National Crime Agency (NCA), as required by AML laws.
  • Risk Assessment: Conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate AML risks specific to your business. Adapt your AML procedures accordingly.
  • Training and Awareness: Train employees to recognise AML red flags and report suspicious activity. Maintain a culture of AML compliance within the organisation.
  • AML Policies and Procedures: Develop and implement comprehensive AML policies and procedures tailored to your business. Ensure these are regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Compliance Officer: Appoint a designated AML compliance officer responsible for overseeing AML measures and liaising with regulators.
  • Third-Party Checks: When dealing with third parties, conduct due diligence to ensure they also adhere to AML regulations.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain thorough records of AML procedures, customer due diligence, and transaction monitoring activities.

Compliance with AML regulations is crucial to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. Our banking and finance lawyers can help you with any AML compliance issues and can assist businesses in establishing and maintaining effective AML policies. We provide guidance on KYC procedures, transaction monitoring, reporting obligations, and employee training.

Establishing effective Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies and procedures for your UK business is crucial to comply with the law and protect your operations. We suggest that the following is taken into account when seeking to establish effective AML policies and procedures for your business:

  • Risk Assessment: Begin by assessing the specific AML risks your business faces. Identify the types of transactions and customers that may pose a higher risk of money laundering. For example, if you’re in the financial sector, high-value international transactions might be riskier.
  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD): Develop a CDD process that includes verifying the identity of customers. This may involve requesting documents like passports or utility bills. Implement a risk-based approach, conducting enhanced due diligence for higher-risk clients, such as politically exposed persons (PEPs).
  • Employee Training: Educate your employees about AML regulations and the importance of compliance. Provide them with practical examples of suspicious activities and the steps to report them. Regular training updates are essential.
  • Transaction Monitoring: Set up systems to monitor transactions for unusual or suspicious patterns. This can include large cash deposits or frequent transfers to high-risk jurisdictions. Implement alerts for potential issues.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain thorough records of customer interactions, transactions, and AML checks. These records should be easily accessible and kept for a specified period as required by regulations.
  • Reporting Suspicious Activity: Establish a clear process for reporting any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. This is a legal obligation in the UK.
  • Ongoing Review: Regularly review and update your AML policies and procedures to adapt to changing risks and regulatory requirements.
  • Expert Assistance: Consider seeking guidance from legal experts specialising in AML compliance, like our firm. We have successfully assisted numerous businesses in developing and implementing effective AML frameworks.

At Go Legal, we understand the intricacies of AML compliance in the UK. Our expert banking and finance lawyers can provide tailored advice and support, ensuring your AML policies and procedures are robust and effective. Please do not hesitate to call us on 0207 459 4037 for a Free Consultation today.

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How can we help?

Resolving Payment Disputes: A Legal Guide for the UK Construction Sector

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The Ultimate Guide to Construction Project Management: Legal Tips & Best Practices

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The Complete Guide to Litigation Funding in England & Wales

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The Essential Guide to Intellectual Property Protection in the UK

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Understanding Defamation: A Comprehensive Guide

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A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Resolving Partnership Disputes

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Navigating Partnership Disputes: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Understanding Your Rights: A Guide to Financial Services Disputes in the UK

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The Essential Guide to Resolving Financial Services Disputes in the UK

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Understanding Professional Negligence: An Introductory Guide

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Guide to starting a Professional Negligence Claim

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Appealing HMRC Decisions: Your Rights and Procedures

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A Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in HMRC Disputes

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Best Practices to Minimise Bad Debts

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How to start a Debt Claim

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A Guide to Creditors' Rights in Insolvency Proceedings

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Crypto Recovery Group: Overview of Cryptocurrency Recovery& Fraud

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Cryptocurrency Tax Disputes: Navigating the Grey Areas

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Avoiding Insolvency: Early Warning Signs and Remedial Actions

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Navigating Corporate Insolvency: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Preventing Shareholder Disputes: A Proactive Approach

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The Legal Implications of Deadlock in 50/50 Owned Companies

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