Problem: Franchise client was served with a £100k+ claim alleging breach of contract in relation to incomplete development works.
Outcome: Our lawyers robustly defended the claim, there had been several errors in drafting the claim which had been assigned to an invoice factoring company. However, the claim was withdrawn within 1 month of our lawyers serving a Defence.
How long did it take? Less than 2 months.
Our lawyers successfully acted for a large franchise client that had been served with a claim against it for breach of contract alleging losses totalling over £100k for unfinished redevelopment works on one of the branches. However, there was clear evidence that the work was incomplete (supported by pictures and expert evidence), and that the contractor held significant sums of the client’s monies which had been paid upfront by the franchise client.
Our lawyers were instructed to robustly defend the claim that had been assigned to it by the contractor (who was in an insolvency process) when it become clear that the opponent’s solicitors were not prepared to negotiate to withdraw the claim early on.
A carefully drafted defence was prepared and served by our lawyers which made clear the errors in the way that the claim was pleaded, the claim itself was bound to fail as a matter of fact and, there was a significant counterclaim against the original contractor for over £400k as part of the liquidation process.
Within 1 month of serving the defence, our clients negotiated an outcome where the claimant discontinued the claim against the franchise client. This was a satisfactory outcome for the client, and the client was able to pursue its claim for £400k as part of the liquidation of the original company.
Our experienced litigation lawyers offer cost effective and reliable solutions for franchise disputes, ensuring that resolutions where possible can be achieved without disruption to the business and clients. We understand that we are in uncertain economic times and legal disputes can affect your business cash flow and create uncertainty among staff and clients.
We provide a free consultation with our expert lawyers to establish whether or not we can help you with your franchise dispute. In our consultation, we will provide you with a clear strategy to achieve the best outcome.
If you have a legal dispute, please let us know. Please do not hesitate to call us for a Free Consultation 0207 459 4037 or alternatively complete our booking form below to schedule a consultation today.